The Frank Martin Review

General Guidelines:

The Frank Martin Review accepts general submissions of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, reviews, criticism, interviews, literary news, and miscellanea year round. All general submissions will be considered for publication in the print edition and online at, but please note that news and miscellanea will most likely be published only on and that we often publish sample content from our print issues online. If you do not wish for your work to appear on, please add a brief note stating such in your cover letter.

We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions of previously unpublished work, but please note in your cover letter if the work is a simultaneous submission and notify us immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.

Please submit in the appropriate genre category (fiction, poetry, criticism, etc.)

We do not accept previously published work unless we solicit the work directly from the author. There are no exceptions.

Please include a brief cover letter (50 words or less) and a brief cover letter (also 50 words or less).

The Frank Martin Review does not currently accept unsolicited paper submissions. 

Genre Guidelines:

◦ Fiction: Submit one story of up to 10,000 words in length, or up to five pieces of flash fiction or short-short stories of fewer than 1,000 words each.

◦ Poetry: Submit up to five poems as a single document of no more than 12 pages total.

◦ Creative Nonfiction: Submit one personal essay or memoir of up to 10,000 words in length, or up to five micro-memoirs or lyric essays of fewer than 1,000 words each.

◦ Criticism: Submit one book review, interview, or critical essay related to craft, teaching, publishing, or general literary interest of up to 10,000 words, or up to five brief articles of up to 1,000 words each.

◦ Miscellanea: Submit whatever you want, up to 10,000 words, and we’ll see if we like it. Seriously. This is a broad and open genre.  We’ll consider literary news, literary listicles, obscure literary history and facts, reviews of lost texts, notes on literary collections and archives, or pretty much anything related to literature that doesn’t fit neatly into any of the other categories. Feel free to include links to images or YouTube videos.

Rights, Payment, and Acknowledgements:


The Frank Martin Review only considers unpublished work and acquires first North American serial rights. All other rights revert to the author upon publication, but please acknowledge The Frank Martin Review as the original publisher if the work is published elsewhere later.

Payment for work published in the print edition comes in the form of two copies of the issue in which the work appears and a discount on additional copies of that issue. In some instances a small honorarium will be paid to contributors.


The Frank Martin Review only considers previously unpublished work and acquires first North American online rights and exclusive online rights for 3 months from the date the work originally appears on After 3 months, all other rights revert to the author but the work will remain online at for as long as the author wishes or until the editors decide to remove it for whatever reason they choose. The Frank Martin Review reserves the right to remove any content from its website at anytime without notice, and an author may request to have work removed at any time for any reason after 3 months from the date of original publication on If the work is later published elsewhere in print or online, please acknowledge as the original publisher.

Payment for work that appears on comes in the form of a share of any ad revenue generated by the page/s on which the work/s appear.

The Frank Martin Review does not currently accept unsolicited paper submissions. 
The Frank Martin Review